Read the text. Match the questions below with paragraphs A-E of the text. A. All children hurt themselves from time to time. But when thirteen-year-old Ashlyn Blocker gets injured, she doesn't realise it. Once, when she burned herself, she only knew about it when she looked at her skin. B. There was always something different about Ashlyn. As a baby, she didn't cry. When she was eight months old, her parents noticed there was some blood in her eye, so they took her to see a doctor. The doctor found a serious cut in her eye and was shocked. Why didn't the baby cry? Tests showed that Ashlyn had a very unusual medical condition: she couldn't feel any pain. C. This condition is very rare: many people who have it die of it. Pain is a natural warning that you're ill or injured. People who can't feel pain lust don't realise they're in danger. D. The first few years of Ashlyn's life were very difficult. She often tripped and injured herself. Once, she broke her ankle but she didn't stop running. During school breaks, one teacher watched Ashlyn all the time in the playground and they had to search for cuts. bruises or other injuries. E. When she was five, Ashlyn's story appeared in newspapers and on TV. Scientists studied her condition and found she has a genetic disorder that means pain signals do not reach her brain. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no hope of a cure. And, as Ashlyn knows, a life without pain is both difficult and dangerous. In which paragraph does the writer tell us … 1. when doctors realised Ashlyn had a medical problem? 2. what causes her condition? 3. what happened when she burned her hands? 4. why some people die from this condition? 5. how school life for Ashlyn was unusual?