1. Most people think that housework is boring and is the responsibility of wives and mothers only. 2. Many parents don't ask their children to do housework so that they have more time to play or study. 3. Some important life skills children can learn when doing housework are doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and taking care of others. (Doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and taking care of others are among the important skills that children will need when they start their own families.) 4. Children learn to take responsibility as they finish household tasks that they don't enjoy. (Sharing housework also helps young people learn to take responsibility. They know that they have to try to finish their tasks even though they do not enjoy doing them.) 5. Because it creats special moments between children and parents and makes makes children feel they are members of a team. (In addition, doing chores together helps strengthen family bonds, creating special moments between children and parents. It makes children feel they are members of a team.)