1. A What is the main idea of the text? A. Reducing the environmental impact of tourism (How can we reduce it while travelling? Here are some advice.) 2. B An easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is to _________. B. walk when you arrive at the place (Reduce your carbon footprint while travelling. Since flying produces more carbon footprint than any other means of transport, you should only fly when the trip is long. During the trip, you should walk, cycle or use public transport as much as you can.) 3. C What can be inferred from the text? C. Tourists should choose activities that are good for local people and the environment. (Choose eco-friendly activities that benefit animals and the ecosystem. Avoid activities that allow you to touch or ride animals because they disturb their natural patterns and attract many people. Instead, visit wildlife parks or organic farms. These will help you understand and respect the nature more and stop doing things that harm the environment.)